

Friday, February 20, 2015

Blog Post 1: Lets Make an App!

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My Background:
I have been interested in programming for a few years now. My first language that I was able to learn was called BASIC. I have this old computer system called a commodore 64 that I got off of eBay once, and I decided to try to program on it. BASIC is really easy, yet I found that it could make the most complicated of things. I felt that I could make anything. BASIC is of course, not very practical in today's world. Nothing modern is programmed in BASIC. This inspired me to take on other programming projects like learning C++. However, I have had a massive interest in Android for some time now, and I felt that the perfect way for me to learn modern programming is to develop an android app. So I thought that I will give it a shot.

The Idea:
For my genius project, I have decided to develop, and publish an Android app. I will be creating it over the next few cycles, and all the while, will be learning more about the programming language. The app will probably be very simple, but I intend to make it a fun game. I still have to look into publishing, and what fees are necessary, but I hope to publish my app on the app store.

My Resources:
I already have all the necessary resources for my genius project, I have an Android programming book in order to learn the android programming language. I have a computer with Android Studio, the android programming software, which I will use to create my actual app. I also have a lot of time, which is probably the most valuable thing that I have at the moment. I also have the internet at my side for when I am stuck at certain points.

Cycle 1: Develop App Idea
Cycle 2: I will learn how to program in android programming language.
Cycle 3: I will finalize my learning of the programming.
Cycle 4: I will start to program my application
Cycle 5: I will continue to program my application
Cycle 6: I will finalize my application, and then hopefully publish it

What I hope to accomplish
I hope to be able to make a great app overall. I do not want my product to come out rusty. I want it to be exactly as I expected. I also hope that my app is actually enjoyable. I would not look on my app well if it was not good at all.

What's next?
It is the first cycle of the project. So, I will be devoting it to coming up with an idea for an application. I will try to come up with a few, and see which one works the best for me. I will probably make a simple game for my application. That seems the most reliable option.

Link to Android Developers:

Commented Blogs (2/23/15): Brett Hu, Jason Shu, Margo Kaplin


Brett Hu said...

Ah, the Commodore 64. It has good retro video games, and it even rhymes! Anyway, an excellent and interesting idea. Do you plan for your app to be successful and, perhaps, even earn a bit of money? By successful, I mean sell 100 copies or around that number.

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